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Greetings to All in Academia:



It is my pleasure to introduce you to The Science of Disorder. In this book, I have tried to present a comprehensive view of how Nature works as well as our interactions with Nature and our world. In this effort, I had the college-educated in mind.


The Science of Disorder, published in May 2002, has been selected and used as a text or as additional reading at universities in the United States and abroad, such as the University of Maryland, University of Wisconsin at Green Bay, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. So far, the focus has been in Ecological Economics (or Economics of Sustainability), History of Economic Thought, Energy Policy and Management, and Studies of Science, the latter in a Ph.D. dissertation study class. Considering the wide applicability of the subject matter, that is, the Laws of Thermodynamics, practically all fields of study can benefit from the book.


The Science of Disorder has also been referenced in Ecological Economics: Principles and Applications by Herman E. Daly (University of Maryland) and Joshua Farley (University of Vermont), published by Island Press, November 1, 2003, and in scholarly articles, such as “And Then What? Attending to the Context of Our Innovations” by Professor Frederick Kirschenmann, presented at the Iowa State University’s Department of Chemical Engineering Seminar Series, January 16, 2003.


More recently, The Science of Disorder was quoted and referenced in Cultivating an Ecological Conscience: Essays from a Farmer Philosopher by Frederick Kirschenmann, Author (Iowa State University) and Constance L. Falk, Editor (New Mexico State University), published by The University Press of Kentucky, April 15, 2010.


I invite you to explore this Web site in more depth. The Introduction, Book Description, Table of Contents and Excerpts will give you a general idea of what the book is all about.


If you are interested in The Science of Disorder, I would be happy to send you a complimentary copy. Just e-mail me the following information:




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If you have any questions or just would like to chat, please feel free to call me at (323) 662-8260. I am available to participate in seminars, round tables or other useful discussions on the subject matter. Look forward to hearing from you.




Jack Hokikian, Ph.D.

Los Angeles, California
